Daily Archives: August 26, 2021


(scroll down for Bulgarian text )

Dear friends,

Bulgarian School and Cultural Organization Young Bulgarian Voices New York opens its doors for the new school year on September 19th! Below is information on the ONLINE classes we offer for the upcoming school year in both adult and children categories.

Bulgarian School and choir for children 1 to 18 years old which uses integrated education, small classes with lots of individual attention and tailor-made curriculum.

Our curriculum includes public performances of the children’s choir, community gatherings, creative workshops and recreating of Bulgarian cultural traditions. We also offer Math classes based on the Bulgarian full curriculum.

In adult categories we offer Kaba Gaida for beginners and intermediate players, Bulgarian singing and Bulgarian folk dancing and Bulgarian Tupan class for beginners and intermediate players.

First day of classes will be on September 19 at 10:30AM for children’s classes and 12PM for adult’s classes. True to our sixteen year tradition, we will start the year together as a community with a small online celebration.

All classes take place every Sunday online for the Fall semester from 10AM to 3PM.

Please feel free to call and write to us for more information. We will be more than happy to chat and explain all the details.

[email protected] Zora Boyadzhieva C: 617-872-7414 Yana Kalinkova C: 516-395-2569

Adult classes schedule Fall 2021/2022 :

Kaba Gaida with Kiril Ketev- intermediate /advanced 12:00AM to 2:00PM EST

Kaba Gaida -Beginners Call us for times – we have multiple sections

Bulgarian Singing with Petya Maglova 12:00PM to 1:00PM

Bulgarian Folk Dancing with Cathie Springer 1:30PM to 2:30PM

Bulgarian Tupan with Bonnie Silver and Mersid Mustafov Semka 12:00PM to 1:00PM


“Млади Български Гласове Ню Йорк” отваря врати за поредна учебна година! Богат набор от дистанционни класове за деца от 1 до 18 години, техните родители и приятели! Предлагаме бутиково образование съобразено с нуждите на децата родени в САЩ базирано на 16 годишен опит. Началото на учебната ни програмата датира от далечната 2005. Предлагаме малки класове с индивидуално внимание, преподаватели с най-висока квалификация-Българска филология и педагогика от СУ “Климент Охридски”, начална педагогика, професионално музикално образование и приятелска атмосфера в една задружна общност.

За контакт: [email protected]

