Holiday Celebration of Bulgarian Traditions with YBVNY 2023

Dear Young Bulgarian Voices community,
Join us on December 2nd at 12:30 PM for our traditional Holiday Celebration!
Expect live music, singing, dancing, and learning how to prepare for a traditional Bulgarian Christmas!
Get together, hold hands, have a traditional snack, catch up with old friends and make some new ones!
Chapel of the Good Shepherd (Roosevelt Island)
543 Main Street, New York, NY 10044
For more information email: [email protected] or call 617-872-7414.
Looking forward to a very fun afternoon with all of you! There will be suitable activities for all ages and backgrounds!
Everybody is welcome!
Spring Celebration 2023

Dear friends and supporters,
We are approaching March 1st and Baba Marta is knocking on our doors! Do you have your Martenitsa ready? If not, donate to Young Bulgarian Voices NY annual fundraiser by March 3rd and we will send you a family package of hand made, exquisitely crafted martenitsas by baba Sonya.
There are approximately 20 beautiful pieces in the package ready to bring health and luck to your family.
What do you have to do:
1. Donate min $25 to our annual campaign between today and March 3rd. (link below)
2. Send us a note with your mailing address here: [email protected]
The little adornments called “Martenitsa” are made of white and red thread and bring health and luck to those who wear them form the beginning of March to the time they see the first blooming tree. We would like to share that Bulgarian secret with you because we know how much we all need both health and luck right now.
Join us this Sunday, December 19th, from 12 noon to 1 pm on Zoom to recreate together some ancient Bulgarian winter rituals! See our children and adult groups performing! Dance a horo with us, enjoy the sound of the Kaba Gaida, say an ancient magical wish so we are all healthy and prosperous next year!
Send us an email for the zoom link at: [email protected]
Bulgarian Winter Rituals is made possible in part by public funds form Creative Learning supported by New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and Administered by LMCC.


Dear YBVNY Friends,
As the calendar year nears its end, we take a moment to remember the time we spent together in 2021 as part of the Young Bulgarian Voices New York. The last 20 months taught us all some important lessons and made us rethink our values and priorities in a unique way. At YBVNY, we learned that we can do without many things in our everyday life but not without our cultural community. Despite the challenges this year presented us with, YBVNY never stopped creating a safe educational environment online every Sunday for all of us to enjoy.
We have enrolled in our classes more than 150 people coming from different backgrounds and ages, from 2 to 102 years old. We have successfully incorporated new modes of teaching working with more than 35 bilingual children, introducing them to their Bulgarian heritage and the power of learning in a new and participatory way. We performed at the first ever digital edition of the Golden Festival – singing and playing Kaba Gaida in front of thousands of Balkan Folk Music lovers who received us with enthusiasm. We received our first ever public grant from Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. Our children made Martenitsi, colored Easter Eggs and created their own unique Bulgarian speaking puppets in our creative workshops. We have added to our offerings a new class “Bulgarian for Beginners” for children 9 to 18. Our beloved 101 KABA GAIDI NEW YORK (Bulgarian bagpipe) expanded its reach all the way to the West Coast, and our TUPAN (double-sided drum) class never stopped keeping the rhythm for them. Our unique BULGARIAN FOLK DANCE CLASS “Na Megdana” and our MIXED CHOIR draw people from all ages and backgrounds. At the end of December of 2021, our semester will culminate in a public event that recreates the traditional Bulgarian winter rituals.
Going forward, we have planned to expand our reach and our activities. In 2022, we will continue our Bulgarian music, dance, arts and language education and we’ll continue to share the richness of Bulgarian culture with others by organizing Bulgaria Spring Rituals workshop series, recreate the Spring Ritual “Lazarki”, celebrate the day of Bulgarian literacy, May 24th and many other exciting events. YBVNY would be grateful if you could help us financially to achieve our goals together.
Thanks to you and against all the pandemic odds our enrollment keeps growing and our community becomes richer and more colorful than ever. Please support us in our effort to keep our good work going! Donate, volunteer or join a class today!
(scroll down for Bulgarian text )
Dear friends,
Bulgarian School and Cultural Organization Young Bulgarian Voices New York opens its doors for the new school year on September 19th! Below is information on the ONLINE classes we offer for the upcoming school year in both adult and children categories.
Bulgarian School and choir for children 1 to 18 years old which uses integrated education, small classes with lots of individual attention and tailor-made curriculum.
Our curriculum includes public performances of the children’s choir, community gatherings, creative workshops and recreating of Bulgarian cultural traditions. We also offer Math classes based on the Bulgarian full curriculum.
In adult categories we offer Kaba Gaida for beginners and intermediate players, Bulgarian singing and Bulgarian folk dancing and Bulgarian Tupan class for beginners and intermediate players.
First day of classes will be on September 19 at 10:30AM for children’s classes and 12PM for adult’s classes. True to our sixteen year tradition, we will start the year together as a community with a small online celebration.
All classes take place every Sunday online for the Fall semester from 10AM to 3PM.
Please feel free to call and write to us for more information. We will be more than happy to chat and explain all the details.
[email protected] Zora Boyadzhieva C: 617-872-7414 Yana Kalinkova C: 516-395-2569

Adult classes schedule Fall 2021/2022 :
Kaba Gaida with Kiril Ketev- intermediate /advanced 12:00AM to 2:00PM EST
Kaba Gaida -Beginners Call us for times – we have multiple sections
Bulgarian Singing with Petya Maglova 12:00PM to 1:00PM
Bulgarian Folk Dancing with Cathie Springer 1:30PM to 2:30PM
Bulgarian Tupan with Bonnie Silver and Mersid Mustafov Semka 12:00PM to 1:00PM
“Млади Български Гласове Ню Йорк” отваря врати за поредна учебна година! Богат набор от дистанционни класове за деца от 1 до 18 години, техните родители и приятели! Предлагаме бутиково образование съобразено с нуждите на децата родени в САЩ базирано на 16 годишен опит. Началото на учебната ни програмата датира от далечната 2005. Предлагаме малки класове с индивидуално внимание, преподаватели с най-висока квалификация-Българска филология и педагогика от СУ “Климент Охридски”, начална педагогика, професионално музикално образование и приятелска атмосфера в една задружна общност.
За контакт: [email protected]

Golden Festival – Classes
We are at Golden Festival again this year! Young Bulgarian Voices New York is a non profit cultural organization that offers a variety of instrumental, voice, dance, language and traditions classes and workshops for every age and every background.
Want to learn:
Bulgarian Kaba Gaida (bagpipe) for beginners and advanced players with Kiril Ketev
Bulgarian Tupan (double sided drum) for beginners with Bonnie Silver and Mersid Mustafov
Bulgarian Traditional Singing with Petya Maglova
Bulgarian dancing with Cathie Springer
Bulgarian language and singing school for children 1 to 21 years old
Cultural workshops for every age with teaching artist Merglena Zapreva
Let us know! Become one of us! Classes take place every Sunday online. You can also write to [email protected] or call 617-872-7414 for more information
Follow us on Facebook: YBVNY and 101 Kaba Gaidi and Tupani
Visit our Martenitsa make along sedenka workshop at Golden Festival and learn how to make a beautiful ancient charm that brings health and luck to you and your loved ones!
Support us and Bulgarian culture!
YBVNY Annual Fundraising Campaign 2020

As we stand at the threshold of another exciting year ahead of us, we fondly remember the time we spent together in 2020, as part of Young Bulgarian Voices New York.
The last 10 months taught us all some very important lessons. The shared reality of a global pandemic made us rethink our values and priorities in a unique way. At YBVNY, we learned that we can do without many things in our every day life, but not without our cultural community. Despite the challenges, YBVNY never stopped creating a safe educational environment online every Sunday for all of us to enjoy: we keep learning Bulgarian, dancing, singing, playing Kaba Gaida and Tupan, participating in workshops and being together. Thanks to you and against all odds our enrollment keeps growing every week.
This year we have worked with twenty five bilingual children, introducing them to their Bulgarian heritage and the power of learning in a new and participatory way. We sang Bulgarian songs at the Golden Festival in front of thousands of Balkan Folk Music lovers who received us with open hearts and big smiles. We organized the first ever recreation of Bulgarian custom “Surva” on stage. The children made Martenitsi, Kukerski masks and Surovachki in our Bulgarian craft workshops. We have expanded our offerings with our new class “Mommy, Daddy and me” for children 1 to 3 years old.
For adults and older children, we offer 101 KABA GAIDI NEW YORK (Bulgarian bagpipe class), the TUPAN (Bulgarian double-sided drum) class, and Bulgarian folk singing and folk dancing classes. Going forward, we have planned to expand our reach and our activities. In 2021, we will continue our Bulgarian music, culture, language education and we’ll continue to share the richness of Bulgarian culture with others by performing in the digital edition of the prestigious Golden Festival 2021 Folk festival. In the Fall semester of 2021 you will be able to participate in our “Winter Holidays Recreation” – a series of creative workshops culminating in a celebration in December, and many other exciting events.
Please support us in our effort to keep this good and important work going!