All posts by Ralph Knag
Golden Festival – Classes
We are at Golden Festival again this year! Young Bulgarian Voices New York is a non profit cultural organization that offers a variety of instrumental, voice, dance, language and traditions classes and workshops for every age and every background.
Want to learn:
Bulgarian Kaba Gaida (bagpipe) for beginners and advanced players with Kiril Ketev
Bulgarian Tupan (double sided drum) for beginners with Bonnie Silver and Mersid Mustafov
Bulgarian Traditional Singing with Petya Maglova
Bulgarian dancing with Cathie Springer
Bulgarian language and singing school for children 1 to 21 years old
Cultural workshops for every age with teaching artist Merglena Zapreva
Let us know! Become one of us! Classes take place every Sunday online. You can also write to [email protected] or call 617-872-7414 for more information
Follow us on Facebook: YBVNY and 101 Kaba Gaidi and Tupani
Visit our Martenitsa make along sedenka workshop at Golden Festival and learn how to make a beautiful ancient charm that brings health and luck to you and your loved ones!
Support us and Bulgarian culture!