Tag Archives: 101 Kaba Gaidi New York
101 T-Shirts for 101 Kaba Gaidi NY!
Fundraiser extended to May 31!
Help us raise $1001.00 for 101 Kaba Gaidi NY!
101 Kaba Gaidi NY needs your help! Our goal is to teach and play Bulgarian Kaba Gaida and Tupan – in New York… and – as you may guess from the name – to get at least 101 people to join us!
101 Kaba Gaidi is a project of Young Bulgarian Voices New York, a Bulgarian language and music school. The group started classes less than two years ago and already over 30 students of all ages are learning the magic of the Kaba Gaida and Tupan. Your support will help us order additional instruments for the school – learning to play a Bagpipe or Tupan is a serious commitment and we need instruments that our student can try – before they buy. We are ordering our instruments directly from some of the best crafts-men in Bulgaria. This helps to keep alive the ancient traditions of Kaba Gaida and Tupan making. Part of the money that we will raise will help the group to play not just in New York, but also at other cities in US (see the back of the t-shirt – we just came back from Chicago!), Canada and maybe… other parts of the World!
The design of the back of the T-Shirt is based on original Bulgarian post stamp from 1974. The text of the stamp (after some small adjustments in 2015) is :
national festival of amateur art
verea 2015 chicago
101 kaba gaidi & tupani new york
We want to be able to offer full tuition scholarships to some of our future students – and you can help us do it!
If you are not sure how exactly the Kaba Gaida and Tupan sound, check our web site, Facebook page and YouTube channel – it is really magical! And check back again in two more years – the magic will be even stronger !
ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT – please, buy a T-Shirt and forward this link to your friends!
101 Kaba Gaidi & Tupani NY playing this Wednesday, March 18 in Brooklyn, NY!
This Wednesday, March 18 at Freddy’s :
7:30 – 101 Kaba Gajdi & Tupani NY (Bulgarian): A universe of drums and bagpipes pumping it up Bulgarian style
8:00 – Odglasi (Echoes) (Macedonian): Brooklyn’s Macedonian string band plays powerful roots music as well as urbane city styles from a hundred years ago.
9:15 – Catherine Foster Brass Band (Balkan): All-women Balkan brass band.
Join us for the Kukeri Masks Workshop and then for the Kukeri Horo “Na Megdana” with 101 KABA GAIDI – New York 101 Tupani NY and the dancers from the Catherine Springer Dance workshop – together, lets scare away evil spirits and bring a good harvest, health, and happiness to the village of New York during the 2015 year! Bring your bells, “chanove” and home made noise making devices… and some earplugs – just in case…
YBVNY Christmas Concert
Ви канят на Коледно Tържество, което ще се състои на 13 Декември от 17:30 часа в The Ball NY Dance Studios на 131 W 35 улица в Mанхатън. www.theballny.com
В тържеството ще участват –
Влада Томова и български женски хор “Ясна”
Петя Мъглова – диригент
Лорaн Броди – пиано
Недялко Кетев – гайда
Ивайло Кучев – тъпан
Даровитите и очарователни деца на Млади Български Гласове Ню Йорк!
Безкрайно талантливите гайдари и тъпанджии от 101 Каба Гайди Ню Йорк!
Елате и се потопете в ритъма на българската музика и станете част от пресъздаването на древния български обичай- КОЛЕДАРИ!
Дядо Коледа обеща да посети нашите послушни деца! Може да донесете опаковани и надписани подаръци за всички, които са слушали през годината и тайничко да ги предадете на нашата Снежанка.
Препоръчително дарение $15 (децата са безплатно) – включва вкусни и изкусителни мезета и ордьоври! Всички събрани средства отиват за училището.
Invites you to be part of our Christmas Concert that will take place on December 13 from 5:30 pm at the The Ball NY Dance Studios at 131 W 35th Street, New York. www.theballny.com
Join us in our celebration of Bulgarian music, dance and the re-creation of the centuries old Bulgarian tradition – KOLEDARI!
We will enjoy special performances by-
Vlada Tomova and Bulgarian Women’s Choir – Yasna Voices
Petya Maglova – conductor
Lauren Brody – piano
Nedialko Ketev – bagpipe
Ivaylo Koutchev – tupan
The brilliant and bright kids of YBVNY and the talented and gifted enthusiasts of 101 KABA GAIDI NY!
Get ready to sing, dance, have a wonderful and unforgettable time and make a great start for this Holiday Season!
Feel free to bring a wrapped present for your child (secretly) and our special guest Santa will give it to them.
Suggested donation $15 (kids free) – includes delicious meze and appetizers. All proceeds will go to the YBVNY school.